Monday, May 14, 2012

Maggie and Maya Do... Seoul ~ in pictures

Night time shopping in Hongdae the University District. Many clubs, restaurants and shops. Amazing nightlife
At Meongdong Shopping District. This place was the equivalent of Shibuya, Tokyo, or Pitt St Mall on crack. There were so many beauty shops, cafe, and stalls it was crazy
I want to learn how to read Hangul!
My favorite Korean food is Sundubu, so Jinjin took us to Meongdong Sundubu restaurant
Korean BBQ ~ this place was so smokey and tiny but incredibly delicious!!
Shots Shots Shots! The last Friday of every month is a massive clubbing night in Seoul. Everyone loves shuffling, it was kinda weird lol~ Shogun poured us Jager shots!

On the bus from the airport to Seoul City
My lovely friend Mel (right) who took us clubbing to Hotel Ellui. Great for those who love electro

Parade at the International Airport representing the royal family

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